Butler Area School District
Senior High School Classrooms & Auxiliary Gym

  • Butler, Pennsylvania
  • September 2023
  • 45,900 Square Feet
  • Design-Bid-Build
  • $12.9M Project Value

The Butler Area School District reorganized grade levels across existing facilities to accommodate the closure of an aging fifth-to-sixth grade middle school. Fifth graders were transferred to the district’s kindergarten-to-fourth grade elementary schools, while the existing seventh-to-ninth grade intermediate high school took on the sixth graders. To accommodate the transfer of ninth graders from the intermediate high school, Butler Area School District needed to expand the academic and athletic space at the senior high school. This restructuring reduced operational costs and right-sized the district’s facilities. Renovations at the senior high school campus, which had only been renovated once in several decades, included upgrades to the learning environment with state-of-the-art teaching spaces.

The new classroom corridor features a large-scale graphic showcasing the history of Butler Senior High School. IKM’s in-house graphic designer coordinated with students to select images from a century of yearbooks, resulting in a display that represents the school district’s community, both past and present.

With the loss of a gymnasium at the closing middle school, this project added a new auxiliary gym at the senior high school’s athletic complex. The design team was challenged to develop innovative solutions that worked within the school district’s budget and schedule constraints. A pre-engineered metal building was selected as a cost-effective and durable solution that could be constructed before the start of the school year. Clad in Butler’s school colors of navy and gold, the 11,600-square-foot auxiliary gym accommodates retractable batting cages, competition and practice courts for volleyball and community basketball leagues, and a flexible curtain to subdivide the space.

In support of the expanded gym space, the project included athletic offices, locker rooms, restrooms, a weight room, and an athletic lobby. Renovated locker rooms were modernized to improve accessibility, connection to the sports facilities, and access to natural light. The pre-function lobby space now connects the existing gym with the auxiliary gym, accommodating camps, tournaments, and other events. To make the most of the available budget, simple yet visually impactful finishes were added, such as paint on block walls.

The renovation and addition at Butler Senior High School was strategically developed in collaboration with the school district and their stakeholders to bring the most benefit to the community. The new spaces complement the existing facilities, aligning with new teaching methods while celebrating the rich history of the school. By expanding the classroom and athletic resources at the senior high school, Butler Area School District can accommodate the growing population, move forward with their consolidation plans, improve student safety, and better serve the community.

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