School’s out for summer, and our interns are in! For 10-12 weeks, our interns in interior design, architecture, and marketing will be fully immersed during their time at IKM on project teams, firm-wide engagement, and presentations. Each with their own set of skills and backgrounds, we are as excited to learn from them as they are from us.
To get to know each other a little better, we asked them about their earliest design inspirations and how firm life in Pittsburgh is treating them!
Samuel Capps
M.Arch. (December 2018) Cornell University
Where it all began: I grew up in a small town, and I was always impressed by tall buildings in cities.
First impressions: IKM has a great studio culture. Everyone is very approachable and happy to help out when needed.
Greg Genter
BS in Architecture, Kent State University, and going for a Masters!
Where it all began: I always had a love for art and drawing and enjoyed going to downtown Pittsburgh, so the crossovers just naturally happened!
First impressions: I had an internship last summer in an office of five people including myself, so I have had to learn a lot more names this summer, but everyone I’ve met have been very friendly and helpful.
Natalie Hanna
BA Interior Design, Kent State University
Where it all began: As a kid, I loved to play with Legos, and I would design buildings that continued all along the first floor of my house. I also loved doing anything creative in my free time.
First impressions: In school, the projects I have worked on were not real and would never actually be built or used by real people. Because of this, it’s still new to me to wrap my mind around the fact that every project here that I get the opportunity to work on is real and is going to impact people in some way.
Maddie Oppelt
University of Pittsburgh, School of Arts and Sciences, Major Undecided
Where it all began: For as long as I can remember, my parents have always been interested in architecture and design, and that translated into our own living spaces, so I certainly picked up bits and pieces from them. I can also remember visiting my grandmother in Pittsburgh when I was young, and she would take my brother and me to the Children’s Museum. There’s a silk-screen station that was my favorite thing. I loved picking out odd-shaped scraps of paper and arranging them to form flowers and scenes and whatever I could imagine before silk-screening over it with electric blue or some other bright color.
First impressions: I love being in downtown Pittsburgh! IKM is in the perfect location: walking distance from the Point, walking distance from the T, not to mention the amazing view which is only enhanced by the office space itself. I’m really looking forward to spending the rest of my summer in this inspiring place!