Confidential Corporate Client, Office

  • Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
  • Renovation
  • 385,000 square feet

IKM was retained to provide professional design services for the planning and interior design of a LEED EBOM (Existing Buildings Operations and Maintenance) full interior renovation of approximately 385,000 square feet of high-rise office space including programming, existing conditions, interior demolition, new floor plans and details, interior elevations, interior design, systems plans, security, and building controls for a confidential corporate client in Pittsburgh, PA.


As IKM is well-versed in designing office building tenant spaces with many parameters, the project will be completed over a multi-year, phased agreement. In addition, the client’s corporate design standards dictate the finish selection and IKM will work with the client to obtain layout approval and to expedite the design process as applicable. Our team’s principal in charge, project manager, and project architect all bring LEED credentials to the process and project.

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